Professional tour guides of Odessa
My name is Elya.
I live in a beautiful, mysterious and endlessly interesting city – Odessa.
You can discover Odessa endlessly and admire it tirelessly.
I will be sincerely glad if I manage to reveal to you the mood of Odessa, show its many-sidedness and make a small excursion into history …

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip
Energy Engineer. TV presenter. Actor.
What does the tour here, you ask?
So historically. After all, a person who is fond of history, sooner or later will want to share his knowledge with others. In this case, with guests of the city, and even Odessa residents who want to learn more about their city.
Excursions for me is a hobby. Opportunity to fall in love with this city even more people. And not least, it is a live chat with guests from different cities and countries.
Odessa is different. And everyone can talk about it in their own way.
So see you on our excursions. So different, but dedicated to the best city on earth. At least according to the version of Odessa residents themselves)
Sincerely, Alexander Kulik
As they say in my hometown: “I’m from Odessa – hello!”.
I never get tired of confessing love to my city.
Indeed, a person born in Odessa carries love to her through his life. And how can you not love this red-haired city. So he was called by a real citizen of Odessa, a writer, playwright and screenwriter Georgy Golubenko: “Each city has its own color. Moscow white stone. Jerusalem is golden… Odessa is a red-haired city… ”.
My childhood is filled with the warm sun, gentle sea and the beauty of the old part of the city. Even then, walking around Odessa, I had already decided who I would be when I grew up.
In 2007 – 2013 I graduated from the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute, Faculty of Humanities, specialty – psychologist-consultant, teacher of psychology. Received additional education, which brought me closer to my dream:
in 2003 – training courses for guides at the Odessa travel and excursion bureau;
in 2012 – the Institute of Tourism and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, the faculty of retraining and advanced training of tourist-excursion personnel, specialty – guide.
Dreams Come True! Today I introduce guests to the history of Odessa, show them its unique beauty and convey my love for the Red City.
I end each of my excursions with these words: “Love Odessa as we love it, real Odessans. After all, Odessa is not just a city, Odessa is a smile of God!”

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip
My great-grandfather would have been surprised to learn that out of our entire family, I alone did not become a sailor. But it was not for nothing that Babel wrote: “In Odessa, every young man – until he got married – wants to be a cabin boy on an oceanic ship.” In my city, where everyone loves to tell the way, discussing all the new and old news, where people are not joking, but simply relate to life, being a guide is not just a job, but a privilege.
Pushkin had never been outside his homeland, and Odessa turned out to be a kind of “abroad” for him. In a letter to his brother, he confesses: “I left my Moldavia and came to Europe. Restaurants and Italian opera reminded me of olden time and really renewed my soul to me… Now I am again in Odessa and still cannot get used to the European way of life.”.
Gogol, on the contrary, traveled a lot, but promised to return to Odessa, explaining: “Here I can breathe.” What to say when Mark Twain visited here in 1867. declared: “Wherever you look, to the right, to the left, America!”
The city, which ripened in the rays of Greek, French, Italian, Jewish, Slavic, German, and many other cultures, could not turn out to be incompetent. It was as if he was purposely created for a movie! Where countless dreamers, creators, heroes, free-thinkers, gangsters, scientists, pilots, athletes, adventurers of all ages and nationalities cry out to us from one screen. And most importantly, all this is so talented and easy that the viewer simply cannot contain his exclamation “Ah” and not applaud!
For me, Odessa is not only “the best of our cities,” as K. N. Batyushkov wrote back in 1818, but also a holiday that is always with me (I am sure that if Hemingway visited Odessa, then the words: “This is a holiday that is always with you “, he would have addressed to Odessa, and not to Paris).
Odessa for me is “a city in which it is easy to live, in which it is clear to live,” as Babel said.
Paustovsky in his book “The Time of Great Expectations” wrote: “The very way out of the city to the Black Sea Street was a kind of cure for adversity.
I often experienced this on myself. Sometimes I came back from the city in complete despondency because of some kind of failure. But as soon as I entered the deserted alleys that surrounded the Black Sea — Observatory, Sturdzovsky or Battery — heard the rustling of old acacias, saw dark ivy on the fences lit by the glorious sun of winter, felt the tide of the sea on my face, and immediately returned calm and emotional ease”.
As if it is written about me! For me, walking around Odessa is an elixir of joy and optimism that needs to be taken regularly.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of strolling around the city with a professional guide in order not only to get another portion of the magical cocktail called “Odessa”, which will fill you with energy and good mood, but also touch the history of our city!

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip
I became a professional guide unexpectedly for myself: life turned out to be so that I ended up at the Odessa Literary Museum.
I began to study the museum’s exposition and got to know the biographies of the writers who visited Odessa.
Many episodes from their life made a strong impression on me. What is worth even the ingenuity of Kornei Chukovsky, who in order to help a friend write a control dictation in the Russian language, created a peculiar Morse code: he tied his leg with a friend’s leg with a rope and tugged when it was necessary to put punctuation marks.
And Alexander Kuprin, who came to the play in the Zhytomyr Theater with his poodle and started talking to the dog loudly during a boring production?
And is Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky forever young in heart, writing interesting tales for village children on the move?
Nothing like this was told to us about the writers at school or at the university.
Finally, instead of distant strict classics, they became for me close and understandable people with ordinary human features, with human weaknesses and joys.
And the profession of a guide allowed me to reveal these facets of outstanding people to tourists, because most of them are unlikely to have the time and opportunity to get to such information.
I will not tell you for all of Odessa, but for some of her piece and tell and show.
Odessa is unique in its own way!
We have everything from a monument to a door and a chair, ending with the Odessa Louvre, Odessa Paris and Odessa Lego.
Who in Odessa just did not stop Mayakovsky, Gogol, Pushkin, Paustovsky, Bunin, … it is easier to say who we did not have than who we had.
And Odessa humor is another interesting story.
So sho take care of your head, so as not to get lost in our color.
And you have not visited Odessa?
You have saved yourself from positive emotions.
Rather, come to our city, book an excursion from the citytours company with me – Olga Eder, a guide.
Make yourself happy!

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip

Professional tour guides to Odessa, who will accompany you on a trip
“There is a city that I see in a dream…”
The phrase is familiar to many. This is exactly how Leonid Osipovich Utesov spoke about Odessa.
Living in Odessa, it is simply impossible not to love her, a European city with a specific mentality.
“Odessa cannot be understood, Odessa can only be felt”
The city of free people and open morals. A city with a specific language, cuisine, traditions and a very interesting history.
Studying the history of Odessa and delving into all its subtleties, I increasingly wanted to share all this.
Work in archives and libraries, excavations of Primorsky Boulevard in search of a 15th century fortress. I revealed some secrets and took on others. And at one point I realized that I already wanted not only to “collect” all this, but also to share the information I had gathered about Odessa.
And that’s how I came into this area. Now I conduct excursions around Odessa on electric vehicles.
My goal is not to tell you everything, because it is impossible, my goal is to make you fall in love with Odessa, as I love her.
And so that further, already in love with Odessa, you on euphoria from this love did not walk around the city, but flew, singing about the beauty of “South Palmyra”.
And next year, when there will be a choice of where to go: to Turkey, to Egypt, or to Odessa, you answered without hesitation, “To Odessa. To Odessa-mom”
Our professional tour guides will tell and show all of Odessa!
It is simply impossible to get acquainted with the “Pearl by the Sea” in a short period of time, because it is not only beautiful, but also full of incredible history, shrouded in secrets of legends and myths.
Be sure to come on excursions in Odessa, our electric cars will not let you get tired, and professional Odessa guides will reveal the history of the city as extensively and interestingly as possible!
You can order an interesting tour of Odessa: +38 (095) 482-77-66
Or ask your question on our page in Facebook
- +38 (095) 482-77-66